Arunachalam Muruganantham
We keep discussing nuclear power and other issues, but we should spare a thought to the basic needs of our women.

1.”You can send women to the Moon or Mars later. First, provide sanitary pads to them.”
2.”Nobody in the society will talk about menstruation… it’s a taboo in my country. That’s why I’m branded by society as a psycho.”
3.”If you chase a girl, the girl won’t like you. Do your job simply, the girl will chase you.”
4.”I have accumulated no money but I accumulate a lot of happiness. If you get rich, you have an apartment with an extra bedroom – and then you die.”
5.”My vision is to make India into a 100% sanitary-pad-using country. Menstruation is no more a taboo.”
6.”I don’t have any plans to make money for myself. All I wish to do is empower rural women in our country.”
7.”What kept me going was my desire to provide a hygiene product for my wife.”
8.”When I work in the remotest villages, it reminds me of who I am… India is not built on 14 metros and 100 cities. It’s made up of 600,000 villages.”
9.”I am the son of a hand-loom weaver. I have a connection with yarn. I thought, ‘Why not try to make an affordable sanitary pad for my wife?'”
10.”I know that if I had got educated, I might have ended up as a call-center employee.”
11.”My nature is such that even if I failed 9,999 times, I’ll attempt for the 10,000th time again.”
12.”Social entrepreneurship is like a butterfly, sucking honey from a flower, but the flower won’t die. They’re helping the flower to make pollination.”
13.”The strong creation created by God in the world is not the lion, not the elephant, not the tiger – the girl.”
14.”India and other developing nations need non-farm sector activity. So what we are doing, we are giving small microbusiness to the rural women, especially the farmers’ wives.”
15.”I didn’t take the money route because I saw my parents struggle for survival.”